Magdelene is one of the most misinterpreted individuals in Scripture. She’s
been called a prostitute, and she’s been confused with the woman who shed tears
on Jesus’ feet. I can understand the
confusion…..there were several Marys and through the ages women took a backseat
role where the church was concerned, however, the importance of Mary of
Magdalene in the ministry of Jesus….especially during those last days cannot be
discounted or swept away, but folks sure do get confused regarding who she was.
Here are
some facts to ponder.
entire name denotes her hometown. She
was Mary from Magdelene, and who could blame Jesus for calling her this. There WERE several Mary’s milling about at
the time, right?
was a town many historians term as wealthy.
People living there mainly worked in agriculture, fishing, in shipbuilding
or in trade. The town was located on
the western shore of the Sea of Galilee.
The Talmud states that Magdalene was a short distance of three miles
from Tiberias, and the name in Greek means tower and fortress in Aramaic.
Mary Magdalene by Bernardio Luini...notice the alabaster jar that shouldn't be there. |
The Bible
relates how Jesus drove seven demons from Mary Magdalene.
Seven! Can you imagine?
Of course
when you and I think of demons we think of lizard like creatures erupting from
someone’s torso as in the Alien
movies, but actually the New Testament presents demon-possession as someone
diseased or victim to an alien and evil power.
The person was not an accomplice of it.
As to the
number of demons there are those that interpret the number seven to mean
completeness…and those that say the number indicates the severity of Mary’s problem,
but the cause is never disclosed.
Mary’s ailment she became healed and was not a social derelict. There is no evidence to refute that her
malady was a phyisical illness of which she was healed.
In some
circles Mary has a bad reputation. Some
people hold her on the same level as Mary the Sinner and she has been
identified as the penitent woman who anointed Jesus.
But there
were two anointing were there not? Two anointing performed by two different women. Matthew and Mark both tell the story that
occurred at Bethany where Jesus’ head was anointed at the home of Simon the
Leper by the unidentified woman……Matthew 26: 6-13 and Mark 14: 3-9.
discusses Bethany as well stating that Mary of Bethany, sister of Martha and
Lazarus anointed Jesus’ feet with expensive perfume….John 12: 1-3.
however, told of Jesus dining at the home of the Pharisee when an unidentified
woman who had lived a sinful life wet his feet with her tears and dried them
with her hair. She then poured expensive
perfume on them….Luke 7: 37-38.
There are
theories connecting Mary of Magdalene to these anointing, but they are just
Going all
the way back to the first Christian century, folks have been falsely
identifying the unknown woman in Luke’s account with Mary Magdalene. Luke only identified her in a list of women
who helped support Jesus and the disciples out of their own money…..Luke 8:2-3.
Mary of Magdalene by Frederick Sandys 1858-60 |
There is
nothing in the Biblical text to connect Mary Magdalene with the woman in the
preceding story involving the unknown woman who anointed Jesus’ feet. Luke actually provides a formal introduction
of Mary in 8:2, and it shows no indication she had already been introduced in
I believe
firmly that the unknown woman referred to as “a sinner” in Luke 7:37 and Mary
with “seven demons” in Luke 8:2 are two entirely different women.
What we do
know for sure John describes Mary of Magdalene as a woman of means who used her
money to support the ministry of Jesus.
After the Galilean ministry she and other women went along with Jesus to Jerusalem during that
last week of His earthly ministry and was there for His crucifixion and His
Mary of
Magdalene never turned away from Jesus as other did in those last hours. She bravely stood at the cross and witnessed
everything. This was a dangerous thing
to do, but she did it. It needs to be
remembered that most of the male followers turned away and deserted Jesus…..but
many of the women were self-appointed watchers and were faithful to the
When Joseph
of Arimathea and Nicodemus made the request for the body of Jesus and buried
him in the tomb it was Mary of Magdalene who watched and observed the
location. After the Sabbath had passed
it was Mary of Magdalene who planned to return to the tomb to properly prepare
Jesus’ body for permanent burial with spices.
It is not by
chance that all of the Synoptic gospels mention that Mary along with some other
women went early to the tomb that Sunday morning. Only John stated that it was still dark and
made no mention of the other women.
When Mary of Magdalene saw the stone had been rolled away she ran to
tell Peter and John.
After the
men visited the tomb and found it empty they were confused, but returned
home. It was then that the two angels
appeared to Mary. Jesus approached and
made His first resurrection appearance to Mary but she mistook Him for the
gardener until He spoke her name.
Mary then
gave the very first confession of faith in the risen Lord when she said “Rabboni”
in Aramaic.
I sincerely
don’t believe it just happened that a woman was the first to do so.