Wouldn’t it be nice if we could just go to God and ask Him to lay it all out for us regarding the directions we need go when we reach a crossroad?
What subjects to study in school? Which jobs to take? How to discipline and advise our children? When we should take action or just sit back and observe our surroundings?
Sometimes we know the right thing to do, but the actions of others….justified or not….keep us from acting. Sometimes our own wants….our selfishness… takes over preventing us from hearing God. Sometimes as the background noise in our lives becomes louder and louder it becomes more difficult to hear God.
Why can’t the path be clear instead of clear as mud?
Reading through the Bible it seems the ancients had several opportunities to hear God when they needed guidance, and the Pentateuch was very clear on what NOT to do when seeking answers.
Deuteronomy 18: 10-13 provides a list of things that were detestable including interpreting omens, witchcraft, casting spells, and consulting the dead. These practices were so detestable they were punishable by death per Leviticus 20:6.
The people of Babylon practiced divination so well they are the go-to culture when researching various ways the ancients used to contact the gods. They used astrology, analyzed cloud formations, the peculiar actions of animals and pouring liquid into basins to read the bubbles that were formed. There were even specially trained priests who read the livers of sacrificed animals. To the ancients it appeared the liver was the source of blood in the body and therefore must be the seat of life.