Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Wordless: Verse 57

The object in this image is known as the Cleopatra Gate in Tarsus, Turkey. This is the spot in 41 BC where the legendary lovers known as Marc Antony and Cleopatra met. During the Roman Era Tarsus was the capital of the Roman province Cilicia. People would have sailed through the gate as the spot was on the Mediterranean coastline. Over time, of course, the coastline has changed.

Tarsus is also remembered for being the birthplace of Paul.

The picture above is the gate after restoration. The picture below shows the gate in its ancient glory. I kind of wish they had left it alone.....

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catsynth said...

I agree - I wish they had left it alone, too.
There is something quite interesting about old buildings in a somewhat ruined state. So much visual interest and history.

EHT said...

Yes, that's my thought as well. I understand that at some point things must be preserved, but in this case it seems to be altered a little too much.

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