Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Wordless Wednesday: Verse 8

Looks kind of Biblical, huh? Check out the comments for an explanation.


elementary historyteacher said...

When I first saw this week's picture I thought, "Wow, they rebuilt the Temple and didn't tell anyone." It's on a hill and looks temple like, doesn't it?

Actually, this is a picture of the Regency Hotel in Jerusalem. It used to owned by the Hyatt company apparently. The building is terraced on the slopes of Mount Scopus. I'd like to visit the spa...they use crystals from the Dead Sea, rich black mud, and aromatic oils and minerals favored by the legendary Cleopatra herself.

Joyful Days said...

It does look very "temple-ish." Spas sound nice!

An Ordinary Mom said...

One of these days I would love to see this in person.

Unknown said...

what a beautiful view

Ingrid said...

I didn't think of a temple at all, I thought more a hotel for conferences and apparently it is a hotel, lol !

jennyr said...

wow! it's a hotel? that's really cool!!!

Valerie said...

I'd hate to see the bill if I stayed at that hotel. yeesh!

Anonymous said...

I have a great friend from London who is there right now with her son and grandchildren.

TorAa said...

Sometimes I need an explanation, like this one.

Great entry

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