If you have a website and are interested in hosting an edition of The Georgia Carnival, please let elementaryhistoryteacher know via this email address: gamind@mail.com.
Thanks to everyone who helped spread the word about the last edition. As always links to the carnival are much appreciated.Next week’s edition will be hosted by Bill Reichart from Provocative Church. Writers are invited to send contributions to: breichart@bigcreekchurch.com or this handy submission form. Submissions should be received no later than 6 p.m. Thursday, March 15, 2007. Please include the title of your post and URL, if possible. Barring unforeseen circumstances, the carnival should be posted sometime Friday, March 16th.
If you know of another Georgia blogger send them elementaryhistoryteacher’s way so they can be added to the blogroll. If you would like th blogroll code for your blog send your request to gamind@mail.com, and now....on to the carnival....
Online Business
Amzi is an online business owner and student at Georgia State. He offers How to Save Gas Going to Work/College In Metropolitan Cities from his blog titled American Desi Notes
David Parker from Another History Blog not only teaches the history of American religion at Kennesaw state he has also been busy Defining "evangelical". Simply fascinating!
The Georgia Carnival’s next host, Bill Reichart from Provocative Church asks, “But why do we confess? God already knows our sin. We aren’t telling him anything He doesn’t already know.” Therefore….Confession Is Good For the Soul
Blogging From the Hospital
Marilynn is at the hospital…..and is Remaining Relevant in Changing Times. Hat Tip: Elementaryhistoryteacher
Long Ago and Far Away Memories
ET, who shares wonderful area history and personal memories at Chicken Fat ,recalls family memories of his great grandparents with William and Emaline Again. Anyone who thinks murder, bastardy, running from the law, and fighting for what one believes in is something new needs to read this very interesting post.
Seems Just Like Yesterday Memories
Ellie Bee over at What now? Gives us the real scoop regarding What was it like when you..... Intrigued? Head on over and find out what “what” was like.
Harriette from South of the Gnat Line gives us a whole new twist on the “What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas line” with her post What Happens in the Outhouse Stays in the Outhouse. Let’s just say the whole thing is simply “precious.”
Grasping for the Wind's Otter shares a very interesting program for homeschoolers in his post Masterworks Tours 2008.
Alone On A Limb's Terrell shares his Latest Project with us. Click through and see some wonderful Georgia landscapes. Oh if only the Earth could speak words….
Elementaryhistoryteacher from History Is Elementary and Georgia On My Mind weaves all sorts of connections between Revolutionary War hero Nathanael Greene and our great state in her post Nathanael Greene: Adopted Southern Son. Make sure you click on through to part two.
So there you have it…edition five. The next edition will be found at Provocative Church on Friday, March 16, 2007. Submissions will be accepted through 6 p.m. eastern time on Thursday, March 15. Submissions can be emailed to breichart@bigcreekchurch.com or use the handy submission form here. The prior edition of the carnival can be found here.
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